Eliminate the guesswork

Mixolydian enables the responsible use of DNA evidence.


Accurate Mixed DNA Deconvolution

Find and accurately identify DNA profiles in complex mixtures


Provide clear and definitive results that can be easily understood, explained, and verified.


Identify and deconvolve individual genetic profiles from mixed DNA with unprecedented precision and accuracy.


Uncover actionable information from DNA samples once thought too complex for reliable analysis.

How It Works

Uncover Genetic Profiles In Complex Samples

Identify contributors in DNA mixtures and extract their individual genetic profiles with unparalleled precision and accuracy, even in highly complex mixtures. No user assumptions required.

Extract individual profiles from DNA mixtures of up to 4 contributors with >99.999% accuracy, mixtures of between 5 and 7 contributors with >99% accuracy, and >97% accuracy in 8 contributor mixtures*
Tested on over 250,000 unique 2-8 contributor mixtures across varied demographics, e.g. gender, race, ethnicity*
Average runtime for analysis is <1 minute for mixtures of 2-8 contributors*
Easy to integrate
No calibration, tuning, or user assumptions are required*

*See white paper for details
Lady justice

Use Cases & Customers

Mixolydian extracts actionable insights from even the most complex mixtures with unprecedented precision, accuracy, and speed. Mixolydian does not require high performance computing, does not require prior knowledge of the parameters of a mixture, and can be easily integrated into any forensic lab without the need for time-consuming calibration. The Mixolydian deconvolution software provides indisputable, easy to interpret results in seconds.

Investigative Applications
  • Burglary Investigations
  • Capital Offenses
  • Sexual Assault Kits
  • Firearm Analysis
  • Bullet Casing Analysis
  • Federal, State and Local Crime Labs
  • Independent Forensic Labs
  • Medical Examiners
  • Prosecutors
  • Defense Attorneys
  • Innocence Advocates
  • Military

The Mixolydian Advantage


Does not require any user estimates
Performs a true deconvolution
Provides definitive results that are easy to interpret
A definitive end-to-end solution for DNA mixture analysis without the need for human estimation or interpretation
Unprecedented precision, efficiency, and reliability with even the most complex mixtures
A simple validation process with no calibration necessary
Provides results in seconds without the need for high performance computing on even the most complex mixtures

Legacy Solutions

Require an estimate of the number of contributors to the mixture
Do not perform a true deconvolution
Provide estimates that are often difficult to interpret
Primarily used as an aid to human interpretation of DNA mixtures
Provide inconsistent results severely impacted by mixture complexity
Require arduous initial calibration and validation
Require hours of high performance computing to provide results, which is highly dependent on mixture complexity
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